WoW Pets


“Bites at the enemy, dealing 20 Beast damage.”

Ability info

  • 100% Hit Chance
  • No cooldown.

Battle Pets with the Bite ability

spell_nature_guardianward Crimson Snake type7 inv_pet_redpanda Sunfur Panda type7 inv_pet_redpanda_white Snowy Panda type7 inv_pet_redpanda_brown Mountain Panda type7 inv_belt_09 Poley type7 inv_pet_raccoon Shy Bandicoon type4 ability_hunter_pet_raptor Razzashi Hatchling type7 ability_hunter_pet_ravager Ravager Hatchling type7 inv_misc_monstertail_01 Malayan Quillrat type4 inv_pet_speedy Speedy type8 inv_pet_otter Sifang Otter type8 achievement_reputation_wolvar Curious Wolvar Pup type0 inv_pet_raccoon Masked Tanuki Pup type4 ability_hunter_snaketrap Ash Viper type7 trade_archaeology_trolllizardfootcharm Scalded Basilisk Hatchling type7 spell_shadow_summonfelhunter Zergling type4 ability_hunter_snaketrap Emerald Boa type7 ability_mount_polarbear_black Dun Morogh Cub type7 inv_pet_redpanda Red Panda type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Rat Snake type7 inv_pet_otter Sifang Otter Pup type8 inv_pet_porcupine Porcupette type4 ability_hunter_snaketrap Rattlesnake type7 inv_quilinpet Lucky Quilen Cub type4 spell_nature_guardianward King Snake type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Moccasin type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Adder type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Sidewinder type7 ability_mount_raptor Ravasaur Hatchling type7 inv_babyturtle2_black Turquoise Turtle type8 inv_pet_porcupine Clouded Hedgehog type7 ability_hunter_cobrastrikes Cobra Hatchling type7 inv_misc_foxkit Fox Kit type7 inv_pet_otter Golden Civet type8 ability_hunter_snaketrap Tree Python type7 ability_hunter_pet_netherray Nether Ray Fry type2 inv_pet_otter Golden Civet Kitten type8 inv_misc_pet_04 Wind Rider Cub type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Rock Viper type7 ability_mount_raptor Gundrak Hatchling type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Temple Snake type7 inv_misc_foxkit_white Arctic Fox Kit type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Grove Viper type7 inv_misc_foxkit_white Alpine Foxling type7 inv_pet_raccoon Bandicoon type4 ability_hunter_pet_wolf Fjord Worg Pup type7 inv_misc_bearcubbrown Darkshore Cub type7 ability_mount_pandaranmountepicblack Spiny Terrapin type8 inv_misc_foxkit_white Alpine Foxling Kit type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Zooey Snake type7 inv_misc_monstertail_07 Mongoose Pup type8 spell_nature_guardianward Brown Snake type7 ability_hunter_pet_tallstrider Mulgore Hatchling type4 inv_misc_rubysanctum1 Chrominius type1 inv_misc_monstertail_07 Kuitan Mongoose type8 inv_babyturtle2_orange Darkmoon Turtle type8 inv_pet_babyblizzardbear Baby Blizzard Bear type7 ability_hunter_pet_bat Tirisfal Batling type2 inv_babyturtle2 Softshell Snapling type8 inv_pet_raccoon Bandicoon Kit type4 ability_mount_drake_proto Proto-Drake Whelp type1 ability_hunter_pet_bat Vampiric Batling type3 inv_pet_porcupine Silent Hedgehog type7 inv_pet_egbert Egbert type4 ability_mount_raptor Leaping Hatchling type7 inv_pet_raccoon Masked Tanuki type4 ability_hunter_pet_bat Bat type2 inv_belt_05 Panda Cub type7 ability_mount_raptor Obsidian Hatchling type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Coral Adder type7 inv_box_petcarrier_01 Worg Pup type7 spell_nature_guardianward Albino Snake type7 ability_hunter_pet_raptor Razormaw Hatchling type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Coral Snake type7 inv_pet_pythonblack Elder Python type7 inv_zandalaribabyraptorred Zandalari Footslasher type7 ability_hunter_pet_raptor Darting Hatchling type7 inv_misc_bone_01 Perky Pug type4 inv_zandalaribabyraptorwhite Zandalari Toenibbler type7 trade_archaeology_whitehydrafigurine Gahz'rooki type8 inv_misc_basket_01 Tito type7 inv_misc_monstertail_01 Malayan Quillrat Pup type4 ability_mount_pandaranmountblack Wanderer's Festival Hatchling type8 inv_pet_spectralporcupineblue Spectral Porcupette type5 inv_zandalaribabyraptorblue Zandalari Anklerender type7 inv_misc_monstertail_07 Mongoose type8 inv_pet_tigergodcub Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen type7 ability_shaman_freedomwolf Moon Moon type7 ability_hunter_pet_raptor Lashtail Hatchling type7 ability_hunter_pet_netherray Fledgling Nether Ray type2 ability_pet_baneling Baneling type4 spell_nature_guardianward Black Kingsnake type7 inv_pet_mechanicalbearcub Anodized Robo Cub type9 inv_pet_mechanicalraptorpet Cogblade Raptor type9 ability_hunter_snaketrap Snake type7 inv_misc_bearcubbrown Hyjal Bear Cub type7 ability_hunter_snaketrap Water Snake type7 ability_hunter_pet_raptor Deviate Hatchling type7 inv_zandalaribabyraptorblack Zandalari Kneebiter type7 item_herbc Dandelion Frolicker type0 inv_stbernarddogpet Alterac Brew-Pup type7 inv_pet_monkey Bonkers type0 inv_pet_spectralporcupinered Vengeful Porcupette type7 inv_misc_head_gnoll_01 Hogs type0 inv_pet_frostwolfpup Frostwolf Pup type7 inv_misc_herb_dreamingglory Doom Bloom type6 ability_hunter_pet_netherray Sky Fry type2 inv_ravager2pet_red Bloodthorn Hatchling type7 inv_babyhippo01_white Albino River Calf type7 inv_babyhippo01_blue River Calf type7 inv_ravager2pet_white Mossbite Skitterer type7 inv_ravager2pet_white Thicket Skitterer type7 inv_ravager2pet_black Deathwatch Hatchling type7 inv_ravager2pet_blue Icespine Hatchling type7 inv_dragonflypet_yellow Amberbarb Wasp type2 inv_dragonflypet_red Bloodsting Wasp type2 inv_dragonflypet_green Wood Wasp type2 inv_dragonflypet_blue Twilight Wasp type2 inv_pet_mysticmanakitty Brightpaw type5 inv_pet_raccoon Auburn Ringtail type4 inv_misc_lifeblood Thistleleaf Adventurer type0 inv_pet_frostwolfpup_fel Fel Pup type7 inv_pet_frostwolfpup_shadow Lost Netherpup type7 inv_pet_voidhound Chaos Pup type5 inv_pet_mastiff Grumpy type7 spell_nature_guardianward Slithering Brownscale type7 inv_misc_foxkit Black-Footed Fox Kit type7 inv_misc_foxkit_white Mist Fox Kit type7 inv_babyhippo01 Mudback Calf type7 inv_babyhippo01_green Flat-Tooth Calf type7 ability_hunter_pet_bat Echo Batling type2 ability_hunter_pet_bat Hog-Nosed Bat type2 inv_felstalker_pet Nibbles type4 inv_batpet Felbat Pup type2 inv_corgi2 Corgi Pup type7 inv_pet_mechanicalbearcub Tinyclaw type9 inv_feasel_purple Orphaned Marsuul type4 inv_dragonwhelpproto_blue Magic Nibbler type1 inv_primaldragonflymount_blue Blue Dasher type2 inv_aussiepup_bcollie Scout type7 inv_batpet Firebat Pup type2 inv_corgi2 Corgnelius type7 inv_felbatmount Orphaned Felbat type2 inv_jewelcrafting_jadeserpent Cavern Moccasin type7 inv_pet_felkitten Mischief type7 inv_feasel_blue Pygmy Marsuul type4 inv_waepon_bow_zulgrub_d_01 Spawn of Merektha type7 ability_earthen_pillar Igneoid type6 inv_wickerbeastpet Restored Revenant type3 inv_jewelcrafting_jadeserpent Guardian Cobra Hatchling type7 inv_seaeel_teal Abyssal Eel type8 inv_compy_purple Child of Jani type7 inv_misc_monsterclaw_09 Voru'kar Leecher type2 ability_mount_bloodtick_red Dreadtick Leecher type2 inv_raptorbaby_green Trecker type7 inv_pet_frostwolfpup_shadow Void-Scarred Pup type7 ability_hunter_pet_bat Leatherwing Screecher type2 inv_icon_wing08e Crimson Bat Pup type2 inv_decomposersmallblack Spinemaw Gormling type4 inv_babyfox_drakred Renny type7 inv_giantvampirebatmount_silver Dusky Dredwing Pup type2 inv_babyfox_purple Rocky type7 inv_babyfox_teal Dodger type7 inv_decomposersmallwhite Gloober, as G'huun type4 inv_giantwasp_black Foulwing Buzzer type2 inv_bonespider2_grey Luminous Webspinner type7 inv_babyfox_white Purity type7 inv_babyfox_orange Copperfur Kit type7 inv_progenitorwormpetwhite Viperid Menace type7 inv_babyfox_red Rustfur Kit type7 inv_babyfox_black Sable type7 inv_progenitorwormpetblue Archetype of Cunning type7 inv_progenitorwormpetred Red Viperid type7 inv_progenitorwormpetblue King Viperid type7 inv_pet_wingedlion2pet_dark Larion Pouncer type2 inv_pet_wingedlion2pet_gold Courage type2 inv_fishpterois_orange Jean's Lucky Fish type8 inv_progenitorwormpetgreen Green Viperid type7 inv_pet_wingedlion2pet_silver Larion Cub type2 inv_progenitorwasp_mount_red Bloodsucker Vespoid type2 inv_dragonwhelpproto_dark Obsidian Proto-Whelp type1 inv_ursocpet Lil' Ursoc type7 inv_fishpterois_blue Azure Frillfish type8 inv_bearprimalcub_red Razortooth Bear Cub type7 inv_porcupinecrystal_navy Azure Crystalspine type5 inv_bearprimalcub_brown Cubbly type7 inv_bearprimalcub_white Snowclaw Cub type7 inv_primaldragonflymount_orange Shyfly type2 inv_porcupinecrystal_red Crimsonspine type5 inv_foxwyvernpetblack Black Slyvern Pup type4 inv_babyturtle2_teal Bugbiter Tortoise type8 inv_progenitorwasp_mount_blue Archetype of Malice type2 inv_thunderlizardprimalbaby_black Grassland Stomper type7 inv_foxwyvernpetred Yipper type4 inv_foxwyvernpetwhite Whitewhisker type4 inv_bearprimalcub_black Grizzlefur Cub type7 inv_babyturtle2_black Stoneshell type8 inv_pet_riverotter_white Storm-Touched Ottuk type8 spell_hunter_lonewolf Bakar Companion type7 inv_babyturtle2_white Chalkshell Turtle type8 inv_beaverprimalpet_blue Backswimmer Timbertooth type7 inv_jewelcrafting_empyreansapphire_01 Crystalline Mini-Monster type5 creatureportrait_robot_doberman Pippin type9 inv_kodopet Crushhoof type7 inv_pet_egbert Egbob type4 inv_beaverprimalpet_yellow Buckie type7 achievement_character_gnome_male Tezpet type6 inv_primaldragonflymount_green Jade Skitterbug type2 inv_dogprimalbaby_black Miloh type7 inv_dogprimalbaby_red Rusty type7 inv_caveswallow_orange Lithengale type2 inv_viperrock_yellow Sunglow Cobra type7 achievement_rat Roland type4 inv_sporebatrock_stoneorange Shalewing Devourer type6 inv_viperrock2_blue Skaarn type7 inv_primaldragonflymount_yellow Yellabon type2 inv_bearprimalcub_white Somnius type7 inv_pet_celestialfoxwyvern Slyvy type2 inv_babysabretoothraptor_white Pale Slumbertooth type7 inv_babysabretoothraptor_purple Slumbertooth type7 inv_dreampanda_dark Fol'ya Pup type4 ability_druid_healinginstincts Memorie type5 inv_dreampanda_red Napps type4 inv_dreampanda_polar Snoozles type4 inv_babyturtle2 Dalaran Sewer Turtle type8 inv_achievement_raidnerubian_swarmmother Rak-Ush Threadling type7 inv_achievement_raidnerubian_swarmmother Arachnoid Hatchling type7 inv_achievement_raidnerubian_swarmmother Chitin Burrower type7 inv_achievement_raidnerubian_swarmmother Illskitter type7 inv_caveborercritter_forest Lil' Bonechewer type4 inv_caveborercritter_blue Kaheti Bull Worm type4