WoW Pets
Water Jet

Water Jet

“Blasts the enemy with a spray of water, dealing 20 Aquatic damage.”

Ability info

  • 100% Hit Chance
  • No cooldown.

Battle Pets with the Water Jet ability

achievement_reputation_murlocoracle Curious Oracle Hatchling type0 spell_shaman_hex Small Frog type8 ability_mount_seahorse Sea Pony type8 spell_shaman_hex Huge Toad type8 spell_shaman_hex Frog type8 inv_misc_fish_36 Tiny Goldfish type8 spell_shaman_hex Biletoad type8 inv_pet_babycrocodile_muchbreath Muckbreath type8 spell_shaman_hex Yellow-Bellied Bullfrog type8 inv_pet_babycrocodile_snarly Snarly type8 inv_pet_babycrocodile_chuck Chuck type8 inv_misc_fish_34 Purple Puffer type8 spell_shaman_hex Horny Toad type8 inv_pet_waterstrider Mirror Strider type8 inv_fish_stormraygreen Sting Ray Pup type8 spell_shaman_hex Tree Frog type8 inv_pet_babyshark Land Shark type8 spell_shaman_hex Mojo type8 spell_frost_summonwaterelemental_2 Water Waveling type6 spell_shaman_hex Mac Frog type8 spell_shaman_hex Garden Frog type8 spell_shaman_hex Leopard Tree Frog type8 spell_shaman_hex Jubling type8 inv_pet_babycrocodile_toothy Toothy type8 inv_pet_waterstrider Eternal Strider type8 spell_shaman_hex Toad type8 spell_shaman_hex Spotted Bell Frog type8 spell_shaman_hex Jungle Darter type8 inv_pet_pandarenelemental Pandaren Water Spirit type6 inv_tradeskills_carp_green Tiny Green Carp type8 inv_pet_toad_green Swamp Croaker type8 inv_tradeskills_carp_white Tiny White Carp type8 inv_pet_waterstrider Dancing Water Skimmer type8 inv_misc_fish_58 Fishy type8 spell_shaman_hex Wood Frog type8 inv_tradeskills_carp_red Tiny Red Carp type8 spell_shaman_hex Lifelike Toad type9 inv_misc_flute_01 Aqua Strider type8 inv_pet_toad_black Gulp Froglet type8 ability_shawaterelemental_reform Puddle Terror type8 inv_crab2_truesilver Moonshell Crab type8 inv_pet_toad_brown Mud Jumper type8 inv_misc_fish_102 Syd the Squid type5 inv_babyhippo01_white Albino River Calf type7 inv_babyhippo01_blue River Calf type7 inv_misc_throwingball_01 Sea Calf type8 inv_pet_leviathan_green Leviathan Hatchling type8 inv_pet_waterstrider Spring Strider type8 inv_pet_babyshark Left Shark type8 inv_babyhippo01 Mudback Calf type7 inv_babyhippo01_green Flat-Tooth Calf type7 ivn_toadloadmount_yellow Polliswog type8 inv_pet_pandarenelemental Paradox Spirit type6 shaman_pvp_ripplingwaters Bound Stream type6 inv_pet_speedy Young Mutant Warturtle type8 inv_pet_toad_blue Benax type8 ivn_toadloamount Swoglet type8 inv_pet_riverotter_purple Whiskuk type8 inv_salamanderwaterbaby_purple Palamanther type8 inv_seaeel_teal Abyssal Eel type8 inv_crab2_sapphire Shadowback Crawler type8 inv_pet_toad_green River Frog type8 inv_hermitcrab_orange Freshwater Crawler type8 inv_crab2_blue Sandyback Crawler type8 ivn_toadloamount Tragg the Curious type8 inv_pet_waterstrider Elusive Skimmer type8 inv_hermitcrab_darkdiamond_blue Young Sand Sifter type8 inv_crab2_pink Freshwater Pincher type8 inv_babysaurolophus Lost Platysaur type8 inv_pet_pandarenelemental Playful Frostkin type6 inv_elemental_spiritofharmony_2 Hydrath Droplet type6 inv_frog2_tropicalblue Fleeting Frog type8 inv_frog2_yellow Yellow Junkhopper type8 inv_frog2_mechanical_orange Motorized Croaker type9 inv_frog2_mechanical_copper Copper Hopper type9 spell_shaman_hex Void-Scarred Toad type8 spell_frost_summonwaterelemental Seafury type6 spell_sandelemental Sandkeep type6 inv_seaeel_green Abyssal Slitherling type8 inv_crab2_darkdiamond Glittering Diamondshell type8 inv_crab2_orange Sandclaw Nestseeker type8 inv_mechagonpet_junker Spraybot 0D type9 inv_hermitcrab_purple Lustrous Glimmershell type8 inv_hermitcrab_teal Brilliant Glimmershell type8 ability_mount_camel_gray Pygmy Camel type7 inv_pet_waterstrider Voidskimmer type8 inv_babymurloc3purple Glimr type0 inv_pogenitortoadmount_dark Bufonid Croaker type8 inv_treepetpurple Trootie type6 inv_progenitorsnail_mount_red Microlicid type4 inv_duckbaby_brown Pilot type8 inv_salamanderwaterbaby_pink Pink Salamanther type8 inv_duckbaby_black Wild Duckling type8 inv_progenitoraxolotl_red E'rnee type8 inv_progenitoraxolotl_blue Archetype of Metamorphosis type8 inv_progenitoraxolotl_darkred Ambystan Darter type8 inv_progenitoraxolotl_dark Ambystan Snapper type8 inv_pogenitortoadmount_blue Archetype of Serenity type8 inv_pogenitortoadmount_red Venomous Bufonid type8 inv_duckbaby_mallard Mallard Duckling type8 inv_duckbaby_white Plucky Duckling type8 inv_frogduck Secretive Frogduck type8 inv_fishpterois_purple Patos type8 inv_fishpterois_green Emmah type8 inv_frog2_mechanical_gold Gilded Mechafrog type9 inv_snailrockmount_green Thimblerig type4 inv_babyhornswog_blue Azure Swoglet type8 inv_babyhornswog_green Emerald Swoglet type8 inv_nzothfish Snapjaw Lurker type8 inv_sulfurelemental_water Aquapo type6 inv_magicalfishpet Blub type8 inv_babyhornswog_orange Annuna type8 inv_salamanderwaterbaby_orange Time-Lost Salamanther type8 inv_duckbaby_pink Lovely Duckling type8 inv_blindcaveskipper_green Moss Skipper type8 inv_blindcaveskipper_red Redthroat Skipling type8 inv_blindcaveskipper_blue Skippy type8 inv_blindcaveskipper_purple Wriggle type8 inv_blindcaveskipper_yellow Waddles type8 inv_frog2_teal Subterranean Dartswog type8