WoW Pets


“Rapidly strikes at the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 10 Critter damage per hit.

Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.”

Ability info

  • 100% Hit Chance
  • No cooldown.

Battle Pets with the Flurry ability

inv_misc_rabbit Hare type4 inv_pet_mouse Mouse type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Long-tailed Mole type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Giant Sewer Rat type4 inv_pet_ratcage Whiskers the Rat type4 inv_misc_rabbit Arctic Hare type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Grotto Vole type4 inv_pet_mouse Highlands Mouse type4 inv_misc_volatileshadow Mountain Skunk type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Wharf Rat type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Carrion Rat type4 inv_misc_rabbit Alpine Hare type4 spell_nature_abolishmagic Mana Wyrmling type5 inv_crate_02 Brown Rabbit type4 inv_pet_mouse Prairie Mouse type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Yakrat type4 inv_misc_rabbit Tolai Hare Pup type4 inv_misc_rabbit Mountain Cottontail type4 inv_misc_foxkit Fox Kit type7 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Stowaway Rat type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Stormwind Rat type4 inv_misc_rabbit Grasslands Cottontail type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Rat type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Tainted Rat type4 inv_misc_foxkit_white Arctic Fox Kit type7 inv_misc_foxkit_white Alpine Foxling type7 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Black Rat type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Undercity Rat type4 ability_hunter_pet_wolf Fjord Worg Pup type7 inv_misc_foxkit_white Alpine Foxling Kit type7 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Fjord Rat type4 inv_box_petcarrier_01 Stinker type4 inv_misc_volatileshadow Skunk type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Redridge Rat type4 inv_misc_bone_01 Stitched Pup type3 inv_misc_rabbit Elfin Rabbit type4 inv_box_petcarrier_01 Worg Pup type7 inv_crate_02 Snowshoe Rabbit type4 ability_creature_poison_02 Infected Fawn type3 inv_misc_volatileshadow Highlands Skunk type4 inv_misc_rabbit Snowshoe Hare type4 inv_misc_rabbit Tolai Hare type4 inv_misc_food_54 Spring Rabbit type4 inv_misc_rabbit Rabbit type4 inv_spear_05 Murkimus the Gladiator type0 inv_elemental_primal_mana Shimmering Wyrmling type5 inv_pet_frostwolfpup Frostwolf Pup type7 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Frostfur Rat type4 ability_vanish Dust Bunny type4 inv_talbukdraenor_white Young Talbuk type7 inv_misc_rabbit Olivetail Hare type4 inv_misc_foxkit Black-Footed Fox Kit type7 inv_misc_foxkit_white Mist Fox Kit type7 achievement_rat Ghastly Rat type3 inv_feasel_purple Orphaned Marsuul type4 inv_misc_monstertail_03 Blind Rat type4 inv_elemental_mote_mana Untethered Wyrmling type5 inv_misc_rabbit_2 Noblegarden Bunny type4 inv_frostwolfpupsnowfang Snowfang type7 achievement_rat Tricorne type4 inv_elemental_mote_mana Arcane Gorger type5 inv_feasel_blue Pygmy Marsuul type4 inv_redbird Cap'n Crackers type2 inv_salamanderwaterbaby_purple Palamanther type8 inv_jewelcrafting_jadeserpent Guardian Cobra Hatchling type7 inv_prairiedog_brown Vale Marmot type7 inv_rabbit2_defaultblood Frenzied Cottontail type4 inv_giantwasp_black Parasitic Boarfly type2 inv_scarab_gold Golden Beetle type4 inv_pet_frostwolfpup_shadow Void-Scarred Pup type7 inv_mechanicalspiderpet Arachnoid Skitterbot type9 inv_capybara_dark Duskytooth Snooter type7 inv_mechanicalspider Rebuilt Mechanical Spider type9 inv_misc_foxkit_white Scritches type7 ability_demonhunter_demonspikes2 Aqir Tunneler type4 inv_pet_cricket Golden Chirper type4 inv_mawroach_purple Undying Deathroach type4 inv_progenitorrabbitred Vicious Leporid type4 inv_progenitorrabbitblack Archetype of Multiplicity type4 inv_babyhorse2_bastion_yellow Spirited Skyfoal type7 inv_progenitorrabbitlightgold Leaping Leporid type4 inv_mawroach_blue2 Deathroach type4 inv_fishpterois_orange Jean's Lucky Fish type8 inv_salamanderwaterbaby_pink Pink Salamanther type8 inv_progenitoraxolotl_red E'rnee type8 inv_progenitoraxolotl_blue Archetype of Metamorphosis type8 inv_foxwyvernpetblack Black Slyvern Pup type4 inv_progenitoraxolotl_dark Ambystan Snapper type8 inv_foxwyvernpetred Yipper type4 inv_foxwyvernpetwhite Whitewhisker type4 inv_progenitorrabbitgold Timid Leporid type4 inv_sporebatrock_stoneblack Dread Shalewing type6 inv_salamanderwaterbaby_orange Time-Lost Salamanther type8 inv_pineconecritter_red Sapnibbler type4 inv_pineconecritter_green Seedle type4 inv_pineconecritter_yellow Dustite type4 inv_pineconecritter_brown Somnolet type4 inv_lunarrabbitpet Hoplet type5 inv_murlocsurrender Worgli the Apprehensive type0 inv_babymolepet_light Wobbles type6 inv_babymolepet_pink Pinkskin Burrower type7 inv_babymolepet_yellow Skittish Sniffler type7 inv_babymolepet_dark Snuffling type7 inv_babymolepet_blue Sneef type7 inv_babymolepet_green Guacamole type7