WoW Pets


“Deals 30 Beast damage and has a 25% chance to stun the target.”

Ability info

  • 100% Hit Chance
  • No cooldown.

Battle Pets with the Headbutt ability

ability_warstomp Giraffe Calf type7 trade_archaeology_fossil_snailshell Shimmershell Snail type4 ability_warstomp Gazelle Fawn type4 inv_pet_fawn Little Fawn type4 inv_pet_speedy Speedy type8 inv_misc_bell_01 Winter Reindeer type4 trade_archaeology_fossil_snailshell Silkbead Snail type4 inv_babyturtle2_black Turquoise Turtle type8 inv_misc_coin_01 Golden Pig type4 inv_babyturtle2_green Emerald Turtle type8 trade_archaeology_fossil_snailshell Rapana Whelk type4 trade_archaeology_fossil_snailshell Rusty Snail type4 inv_misc_shell_04 Scooter the Snail type4 ability_mount_pandaranmountepicblack Spiny Terrapin type8 inv_misc_elvencoins Lucky type4 inv_babyturtle2_orange Darkmoon Turtle type8 inv_babyturtle2 Softshell Snapling type8 inv_pet_baby_elekk_gray Peanut type4 inv_misc_coin_03 Silver Pig type4 inv_belt_25 Mr. Wiggles type4 inv_pet_baby_elekk_red Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm type4 inv_drink_13 Wolpertinger type4 ability_mount_mountainram Little Black Ram type7 inv_misc_monsterhorn_02 Summit Kid type7 inv_pet_yakgod Zao, Calfling of Niuzao type7 inv_pet_fawn Fawn type4 inv_misc_head_gnoll_01 Hogs type0 inv_feather_13 Bush Chicken type4 inv_pet_baby_elekk_green Meadowstomper Calf type7 inv_misc_boarshead Lifelike Mechanical Frostboar type9 inv_babyhippo01_white Albino River Calf type7 inv_babyhippo01_blue River Calf type7 inv_babyspacegoat Argi type7 inv_pet_baby_elekk_blue Trunks type5 inv_babyhippo01 Periwinkle Calf type7 trade_archaeology_fossil_snailshell Mudshell Conch type4 inv_giantboarmount_brown Ridgeback Piglet type7 ability_mount_felboarmount Fel Piglet type7 inv_babyhippo01 Mudback Calf type7 inv_babyhippo01_green Flat-Tooth Calf type7 inv_pet_babymoose Baby Elderhorn type7 inv_mammoth2pet_blue Mister Toots type7 inv_babydeer Rescued Fawn type4 inv_babydeer Gleamhoof Fawn type4 inv_dragonwhelpproto_yellow Bronze Racing Enthusiast type1 inv_babytriceratops_blue Direhorn Hatchling type7 inv_crab2_sapphire Shadowback Crawler type8 inv_chicken2_dirty Valley Chicken type2 inv_babytriceratops_beige Tiny Direhorn type7 inv_hermitcrab_sapphire Barrier Hermit type8 inv_brontosaurusmount Lil' Ben'fon type7 ability_eyeoftheowl Ragepeep type7 inv_pet_goat Craghoof Kid type7 inv_misc_monsterhorn_07 Baby Crawg type7 inv_misc_nativebeastfur Muskflank Calfling type7 ability_mount_yakmount Snort type7 inv_babydeer Littlehoof type4 inv_babyturtle2_white Snapper type8 spell_nature_swiftness Thunder Lizard Runt type7 inv_seasnail_bluepink Prismatic Softshell type4 inv_seaslugorangeblue Damplight Slug type4 inv_encrypted14 Dottie type7 inv_pet_babymoose Baby Stonehide type7 ability_mount_camel_gray Pygmy Camel type7 achievement_dungeon_hallsoforigination_anraphet Cursed Dune Watcher type0 inv_thunderlizardprimalbaby_brown Storm-Touched Stomper type7 inv_mammoth2pet_dark Trunkalumpf type7 ability_mount_pandaranmountpurple Brightscale Hatchling type8 ability_mount_pandaranmountepicblack Glimmerpool Hatchling type8 inv_devourerswarmer_dark Devourling type7 inv_devourerswarmer_blue Gnashtooth type7 inv_muskox_white Mister Muskoxeles type7 inv_thunderlizardprimalbaby_blue Groundshaker type7 inv_kirinbaby_pale Pale Baby Vorquin type7 inv_mammoth2pet_orange Auburntusk Calf type7 inv_thunderlizardprimalbaby_black Grassland Stomper type7 inv_babyturtle2_black Stoneshell type8 inv_kirinbaby_dark Vorquin Runt type7 inv_thunderlizardprimalbaby_green Hoofhelper type7 inv_progenitorwombatmount_red Momma Vombata type7 inv_brontosaurusmount Lil' Maka'jin type7 inv_kirinbaby_bronze Time-Lost Vorquin Foal type7 inv_kirinbaby_blue Berylmane type7 inv_mammoth2pet_yellow Scruffles type7 inv_kirinbaby_pale Princess Vorquistrasza type7 inv_titanutopiapet_green Briarhorn Hatchling type9 inv_helm_cloth_holiday_christmas_a_03 Mitzy type4 ability_ardenweald_paladin_summer Leyhart type4 ability_ardenweald_paladin_winter Juniper type4 ability_ardenweald_paladin_autumn Spruce type4 ability_ardenweald_paladin_spring Dreamhoof type5 inv_dreamfawn Ivy type4 inv_dreampanda_polar Snoozles type4 inv_snailrockmount_black Mossy Snail type4 inv_babyturtle2 Dalaran Sewer Turtle type8 inv_protoramearthen_blue Cobalt Ramolith type7 inv_protoramearthen_white Alabaster Stonecharger type7 inv_bloodticklarvaepurple Vile Bloodtick type4 inv_bloodticklarvaedarkred Frenzied Bloodtick type4 inv_protoramearthen Clay Stonecharger type7 inv_protoramearthen_sand Sandstone Ramolith type7 inv_misc_head_gnoll_01 Remembered Riverpaw type5