This pet has not yet been obtained by any known characters!
This pet canot be traded on the auction house.
Arcane Slash
Rushes the enemy, dealing 18 Magic damage, or 25 Magic damage if the user strikes first.
Enter an ethereal state, avoiding all attacks the round it is used.This ability always goes first.
Illusionary Barrier
Creates an illusion that blocks two attacks. Allied and enemy attacks both count.
Psionic Shockwave
Deals 14 Magic damage to the enemy's active pet and 4 Magic damage to the enemy's backline pets.
Psionic Storm
Deals 40 Magic damage split between all enemies and warps the weather into Arcane Winds for 9 rounds. Does additional damage if Arcane Winds is already active.During Arcane Winds, pets cannot be stunned or rooted.
The user jumps through a magical portal, avoiding the opponent's attack. The user then swaps automatically with your highest health pet.