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Frost Breath
Freezes the target, dealing 20 Dragonkin damage.
Slippery Ice
Shoots a jet of rapidly chilling ice, dealing 10 Elemental damage and coats the ground near the enemy with ice.Frozen ground causes enemies to be Chilled and reduces hit chance by 20%. Lasts 4 rounds. Persists through pet swaps.
Howling Blast
Deals 25 Elemental damage to the enemy. Deals 5 additional damage to the enemy team if the target is Chilled.
Bone Bite
Bites at the enemy, dealing 20 Undead damage.
Deep Breath
Takes one round to breathe in deeply.The next round the user unleashes a devastating breath attack, dealing 50 Dragonkin damage.
Death Grip
Deals 10 Undead damage and forces the opponent's lowest health pet to swap into battle.